

Liana Xochitl Soria CHt

Receive soothing guided imagery and transformative hypnosis techniques to unlock past lives and gain more information about who you truly are. The most powerful component of this specialty hypnosis is the higher self contact and integration that occurs. Ask anything about your life and receive answers from the part of you that has access to all information in the Universe. You can ask about your life purpose, for healing, and for answers about family and relationships.

Free Consultation

20 minutes ~ With a phone call or a Zoom meeting, meet the healer and get a chance to ask questions.

Interdimensional Healing Session

$155/ 75 minutes ~ In a one-hour, multidimensional healing session, you can expect to chat we me for a few minutes, then lay down or sit back in order to receive energy safely. You would be free to talk and ask questions during the session, and I’ll record the messages that stream in from your guides while it’s happening. Everything done is with your permission only, even when your guides suggest something- a clearing or activation for example- I’ll always ask you first. There are combined elements of guided meditation and visualization, gentle hypnosis, reiki energy healing, and spiritual coaching included. There can be some very powerful activations happening while we are talking with your guides. Many people are awakening to their gifts as Healers and spiritual teachers right now - whatever clearings and rejuvenations are necessary for that to happen for you are likely to come first. It’s also possible for you to get a lot of spoken information from your guides about who you really are, your soul purpose etc . An audio recording will be provided.

Past Life Therapy Session

$155/ 75 minutes ~ Past life therapy is a combination of traditional past life regression hypnosis and a timeline healing event. We won’t just go in to view the past life that is most relevant to your life now- we will bring over understanding, healing work, and release. Then we can disengage from a past life that may be problematic for you; or integrate mastery, confidence, and know-how from another lifetime into this one. I like past life therapy very much because it does this for you, over time: when you retrieve your past life memories, you can compare what is different from who you are now, and feel the parts that are conditioning, culture, your body influence, your roles etc- and then also feel the part that is precisely the same- and you can safely assume that is your core soul that won't change in any lifetime. Keep doing that- with more and more past lives, and there's a more growing sense of your true self - i.e. your soul. Know thyself, as the old advice goes: this is the ultimate self awareness. an audio recording is always provided for your review and ongoing benefit.

QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

$220/ 150 minutes ~QHHT is an advanced hypnosis style, with a thorough past life exploration included, as well as a deep dive of consciousness resulting in dialogue with your all-knowing Self. This could easily be called soul contact hypnosis: hypnosis is used in a profound way, it results in connection between your everyday human self and the part of you that contains the answers to all of your most important life questions. My own intensive trainings in this modality occurred over a decade ago, and I had the privilege of studying personally with the originator Dolores Cannon. If you opt for this service, we will begin with a consultation call to discuss all the details of what is to be expected, as well as all that you can do to prepare for your most vivid and effective experience possible. You will be given preparatory homework to get ready, including practice meditations. On the day of your QHHT session plan for dialogue about you and your questions, and the gentle hypnosis experience that is the session itself. An audio recording will be made for you as well, so that you can continue to receive from the session long afterwards. Reviewing your audio recording can result in further past life information over time, as well as a more obvious conscious connection to your all-knowing higher Self. Finally, any after-care that you require, in the form of feedback, answers to questions, and ongoing support will be available to you, as part of your session.

Shamanic Healing Session

$155/ 75 minutes ~ For your very own shamanic healing, you can choose to come in with a specific request, receive treatment for specific symptoms, or even have a complete Shamanic session that includes a little bit of everything. An all-points-covered session will include grounding and earth connection practices, followed by: * a scanning and healing session done by the practitioner merged w power animals and helping guides * an added series of energetic shamanic extractions, if needed * a power animal retrieval for you * a connection via shamanic journey to your guide to gather important information ** if requested, some time can instead be spent of energetic space clearing from physical spaces or bodies- please note that we will not need to be in the physical space to do the entity or energetic space clearing necessary. This also applies to space blessings for homes, offices, and landscapes. ** If you would like, an audio recording of your shamanic healing session can be given to you as well, for your review. On occasion it may be suggested to you that a shamanic prescription via crystal programming be done, or water programming- or both. Clear quartz crystals will be provided to you in that case.